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Stand "Colorado"

In the production of the "Colorado" stand, we used materials developed by us with luminescent properties and the ability to accumulate light. Natural minerals and crystals were used, including quartz crystals, fluorite, amethyst, citrine, and unprocessed natural ruby.


The stand has two types of lighting: LED RGB and ultraviolet illumination. The latter allows you to present the effects of fluorescence in maximum brightness. After turning off all light sources, the stand, made of light-accumulating materials, continues its independent residual glow for several hours, gradually fading.


With any possible type of lighting (daylight, ultraviolet illumination, residual glow) the stand allows you to observe the life of an ant colony in detail, each time appearing in a completely new image. The lighting effects look truly magical.


The stand is inhabited by a large colony of harvester ants.


Dimensions: 60*32*45 cm

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