Stand "Treasures of the Desert"
Under the scorching rays of the Sun, on the unbearably hot sand, countless riches are scattered - precious stones, gold, coins... But you won't be able to take them - the valuables are guarded by a large family of large desert runner ants. They are the masters here and all the wealth belongs to them!
The "Desert Treasures" stand is perhaps the best opportunity for detailed observation of the life of ants, both on the surface and underground - after all, all their holes, where the ants live, raise their offspring, and store food - are located right in front of the viewer, separated from the ants by only a glass wall, which they perceive as the wall of their home-fortress! Ideal conditions for macrophotography!
The stand is inhabited by a colony of Cataglyphis nodus ants. As the name suggests, they run fast, which makes watching them even more interesting. In conditions of sand heated by the Sun, moving quickly is a good way not to burn your paws. The only place where these guys can rest and relax is their underground home, which viewers can also look into and learn all the secrets of these treasure keepers.
When decorating the "Treasures of the Desert" stand, real precious and semi-precious minerals were used, such as ruby, agate, citrine, garnet, fluorite, fuchsite, morion, amethyst, quartz crystals, pyrite, onyx, real gold, which allows you to get vivid photographs and impressions.
The size of the stand is 70*70*70 cm