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Stand with ants "Fairy Grove"

A very bright and spectacular interior stand. Thanks to the built-in multifunctional lighting system, as well as the materials used in the creation of the stand with fluorescence and light accumulation properties, the interior space of the installation appears to the viewer in three completely different images - daylight, futuristic ultraviolet illumination and magical night glow. It is no coincidence that this stand received its fairy-tale name.


There are 4 sections for the ants to live in: a hut on bamboo legs, with a thatched roof, with a built-in gypsum formicarium, and 3 wooden formicariums, hand-made in natural tree trunks.


The arena uses a cart with grain as a feeder, which the ants unload on their own and carry home grain by grain. They usually use wooden sections to store the collected grain. The ants go to the well for water. They use the water they get there for drinking and also to moisten their plaster dwelling inside the hut.


The inhabitants of the Fairytale Grove are ants of the Messor structor species, known as harvester ants. They feed on grain and water. As an additive, you can also give protein food, such as a boiled egg yolk or a piece of chicken. But this is not necessary, since the main food for this species is grain, which allows you to minimize the time spent on care and maintenance of the stand.


Dimensions: 60*32*45 cm

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