* Humanity, over 250 thousand years of its evolution, has come a long way from a primitive communal system to a highly developed information society
* But who paved this way for us? After all, it is known that by developing, we only open doors, and everything has already been invented before us.
* Let's turn to ants, which are already 130 million years old, because they are 520 times older than us!
* And, using the example of ant society, let us look at ourselves, at our cities and states. Detachedly. From above.
By creating an urban space with a functioning infrastructure, moving trains and trams, fully illuminated objects, including apartments inhabited by ants, we get a living metropolis, filled with movement and daily concerns, interaction and mutual assistance, solving urgent problems, everything exactly like we have, people. And we can clearly see how similar we are to these little workers, and at the same time see ourselves from the outside.
It's incredibly interesting, educational and exciting!
We provide services for the design and construction of ant cities - exhibition stands and installations with ants - to zoos, shopping and entertainment centers, leisure and educational institutions.

Ants don't just run around the city chaotically, they live in it and fully interact with it:
* They move into apartments in houses and arrange their homes
* Unload grain wagons and transport them to warehouses
* They stock up on water at the operating water pumping station
* Take out the garbage to strictly designated places
* Move and carry cargo through underwater galleries
* Violate traffic rules and behave hooliganically on railway tracks

Also, viewers have the opportunity to interact with the stand using interactive control buttons, launching trains, carousels and other animated objects, changing the time of day, turning on illumination on the roads, lighting in apartments with ants, etc.
What is interesting about ants?

Ants are of interest to people, first of all, not because of their exotic appearance, but because of the structure of their society, which is surprisingly similar to ours, humans.
Ants are highly socialized insects, and living in society, they create entire empires with multi-million populations, road systems, complex, from an engineering point of view, buildings, inside which a ventilation system is set up, air humidification, separate chambers with special conditions for storing food are created and much more, which, as it sometimes seems to us, only people are capable of.
It is precisely with the aim of emphasizing the similarity between our society and an ant colony that we create stands with a space associated with human life (houses, cities, transport, etc.) and populate ant colonies there. And, as practice shows, ants easily navigate in urban space and settle in it perfectly.
And, often, we are very surprised by their ingenuity and resourcefulness, which these tireless workers show when solving completely unfamiliar problems that ants never encounter in nature.

Exhibition stands with ants made by us
Pavilion Floriculture, VDNKh
XI International Forum Ecology
Saint Petersburg
Mindo Tropical Complex
Saint Petersburg
Mindo Tropical Complex
Saint Petersburg
Pavilion Floriculture, VDNKh
Pavilion Floriculture, VDNKh
We offer development and creation of exhibits with ants:

Shopping and entertainment centers
Each shopping and entertainment center pays great attention to both the simple design of the interior space and the creation of special leisure zones and "anchor" objects. For example, large aquariums with sea creatures are very popular now. And each shopping and entertainment center tries to offer the public something new and better that others do not have. But it is difficult to surprise the public with a sea aquarium, no matter how large and unusual it is, even despite the fact that such an object sometimes costs a huge amount of money.
But, for example, a living city, along the streets of which ants move in organized columns, with roads and cars, trains, trams, city infrastructure and houses, in the windows of which the life of a multi-thousand ant colony is in full swing, will 100% become a center of attraction for both children and adults.
Zoos and botanical gardens
Nowadays, more and more zoos around the world are trying to expand their collections and bring in something unique that has no analogues in other zoos. And one of the (still) little-developed areas is social insects - ants.
The main difference between ants and most other zoo inhabitants is that they are interesting, first of all, not for their exotic appearance, but for their social behavior, the coherence of the work of a colony of many thousands, and the joint solution of problems. This is what fascinates observers, and for good reason. After all, the social structure of an ant family is built on the same principles as human society. The only difference is that ants, as a class, have existed for 130 million years, while people have barely turned 250 thousand years old. That is, our smaller brothers are, in fact, 520 times older than us and have gone far ahead of us in building a social community. And thanks to this, they are currently the most successful and numerous living creatures on Earth.
This is why people can spend hours watching the coherence of a huge colony, subconsciously learning from them and paying tribute to those who managed to survive the dinosaurs.

For clubs and restaurants
This segment of leisure establishments probably offers the greatest scope for imagination.
After all, there is no need to adhere to any norms or formats here; on the contrary, the more unusual and brighter the installation is, the better.