Human society, during its evolution, has come a long way from a primitive communal system, when people united in communities with the sole task of defeating prey during hunting with their quantitative superiority and protecting themselves from attacks by predators, to a highly socialized information society with ultra-modern communication and data exchange systems, a globalized economy, production and agriculture. And the successes we have achieved in just a few thousand years tempt us to think that we are the most advanced and perfect creatures on Earth.

Of course, ants do not fly into space, apparently they are not motivated enough for this yet, but when it comes to building a social society, they have no equal. Multi-million colonies, many times larger than even the largest human cities in terms of the number of individuals, live and work harmoniously, like a clockwork mechanism, without any visible system of management and control. Without teachers, without leaders, without police.. Each individual knows exactly what, how and when he needs to do. Do it not for himself, but for the good of his colony. He is not checked, not paid a salary, not punished. He simply works as much as he can and gets as much as he needs.
Actually, this is the main thesis of communism, which the Bolsheviks talked about so much, but never even came close to it. And ants have been living like this for millions of years.

Let's observe these amazing and highly developed social creatures and learn from them. After all, despite all the great achievements in science, scientists still cannot clearly explain how this super organism - the ant colony - organizes its work.
Everything we see of ant life in nature - namely running and bustling ants, tackling some sticks or grains of sand - is only the "tip of the iceberg". The main thing begins underground, something we would never see in the wild forest. Food warehouses, the maternity ward, the queen ant's chambers... All these chambers are also connected by a network of bizarre underground passages. And there, in complete darkness, day and night, there is movement and work in full swing.

And in order to make it possible to see "in cross-section" the entire dark side of ant life, in 2016 we built a unique overview myrmicoinsectarium, which has no equal either in Russia or in European countries, with the help of which you can spend hours observing all the nuances of the life of the most highly developed social insects on Earth, hidden from us - the Ants.